By / 24th October, 2019 / / Off

We hired the Larkspur for a little under a week in late August 2019. We had a terrific time. The boat was wonderful – fantastically well-appointed, immaculately presented, and undoubtedly spacious. It had everything we needed. On our first day Angus came with us for the first hour, to show us the ropes, the tiller, and the locks – and much else besides. Angus was an experienced and patient teacher, expert in guiding novices to crew his boat.

After Angus left us (at Bath) we travelled back past Bathampton, through Bradford (where we moored for one night) and thence further east (another mooring). We refuelled at Trowbridge before heading back to Bath, stopping on the way. Pottering along at just over walking pace, we did not cover many miles perhaps, but had a wonderful time taking things slowly, seeing lots of wildlife (kingfishers, coots, herons etc) and admiring the countryside that flanks the Kennet and Avon canal.

Strongly recommended.